Duke Nuclear Winter...
(too old to reply)
Cagey Bee
2006-03-26 15:50:20 UTC
Is there anyone on this group anymore? I have a question about the Duke
Nukem 3D add-on called Duke Nuclear Winter. Any takers?

Cagey Bee
Petri Piira
2006-03-26 19:23:34 UTC
Post by Cagey Bee
Is there anyone on this group anymore? I have a question about the Duke
Nukem 3D add-on called Duke Nuclear Winter. Any takers?
Cagey Bee
I check this group time to time.

Quiet? yes. Strange? Yea. Thanks for these new Windows/3D/highresolution
versions Duke has more players than long time. They haven't find this place

And that Nuclear Winter? Never tested... sry.

greetz from Finland
Petri Piira
2006-03-27 22:09:01 UTC
Post by Cagey Bee
Is there anyone on this group anymore? I have a question about the Duke
Nukem 3D add-on called Duke Nuclear Winter. Any takers?
I seem to remember it being a good one. I used ProASM's PlayDuke utility to
launch it. He also includes and has available many other total conversions
and maps.

2006-03-28 04:57:06 UTC
Post by Cagey Bee
Is there anyone on this group anymore? I have a question about the Duke
Nukem 3D add-on called Duke Nuclear Winter. Any takers?
Cagey Bee
I still lurk here. :)

I haven't tried the Nuclear Winter add-on. I think I've tried just about
every non-commercial add-on, though.

-- Nut
