DNF lawsuit settled
(too old to reply)
2010-06-12 21:05:02 UTC
"With the legal drama out of the way, the road to the long-awaited release
of Duke Nukem Forever is apparently clear of legal hurdles--the game just
needs to be finished".
Trimble Bracegirdle
2010-06-14 02:09:48 UTC
Hey ain't that sweet n cute. !!
I think Duke Nukem is going to live forever (sort of ...in effect).

Hi time for some Hollywood Bunny to announce a Film (sorry, 'Movie')
We all need a new decent fun Superhero.

Bruce Willis ?? The Rock ?? Will Smith ???
(")_(") mouse (Then The TV Series !)
"" <gnomon>
2010-06-14 02:37:33 UTC
On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 03:09:48 +0100, "Trimble Bracegirdle"
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Hey ain't that sweet n cute. !!
I think Duke Nukem is going to live forever (sort of ...in effect).
Hi time for some Hollywood Bunny to announce a Film (sorry, 'Movie')
We all need a new decent fun Superhero.
Bruce Willis ?? The Rock ?? Will Smith ???
Duke Nukem is too stupid. He was done before he was done. The last
thing we need is another movie/game/hype based on some steroided-up
Rambo == because it's too easy and that's what we're continuously
fed. Not to say that it wouldn't sell. Of course it would. But I want
to see new cutting edge games that have a lot of heart. And that
takes a bit of invention, a bit of thought.
Tim O
2010-06-14 10:28:26 UTC
On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 03:09:48 +0100, "Trimble Bracegirdle"
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Hey ain't that sweet n cute. !!
I think Duke Nukem is going to live forever (sort of ...in effect).
Hi time for some Hollywood Bunny to announce a Film (sorry, 'Movie')
We all need a new decent fun Superhero.
Bruce Willis ?? The Rock ?? Will Smith ???
(")_(") mouse (Then The TV Series !)
Don't think so. Duke is a parody of action movie heros with stuff
lifted directly from various movies. Mainly the attitude voice of Kurt
Russel from Escape From NY (and LA.) Dukes famous "bubble gum" quote
is stolen from Roddy Piper in the movie "They Live".
Rin Stowleigh
2010-06-14 13:58:06 UTC
Post by Jim
"With the legal drama out of the way, the road to the long-awaited release
of Duke Nukem Forever is apparently clear of legal hurdles--the game just
needs to be finished".
I recently loaded up DN3D for a trip down memory lane, first time in I
think 14 or 15 years. It was kind of like a painful, cathartic
session with a hypnotist. Man, how far we've come from having to drop
out to an editor to change our keybindings in a .CFG file! :)

Actually playing the game was underwhelming. It was clearly optimized
for 14" monitors, so I needed to put it in a window for the graphics
to resemble anything the original creators intended.

No doubt it was a great game in its heyday. Part of the addictive
appeal was being able to play over the net (via TEN at the time),
which was a first for me. I had played Doom over the modem with
friends, but did not have get my introduction to a server-lobby type
of scenario until TEN came along. That service also let me play
Warcraft I online, which was another groundbreaking game IMO.
Gray Death
2010-06-14 15:04:37 UTC
Post by Rin Stowleigh
Post by Jim
"With the legal drama out of the way, the road to the long-awaited release
of Duke Nukem Forever is apparently clear of legal hurdles--the game just
needs to be finished".
I recently loaded up DN3D for a trip down memory lane, first time in I
think 14 or 15 years.  It was kind of like a painful, cathartic
session with a hypnotist.  Man, how far we've come from having to drop
out to an editor to change our keybindings in a .CFG file! :)
Actually playing the game was underwhelming.  It was clearly optimized
for 14" monitors, so I needed to put it in a window for the graphics
to resemble anything the original creators intended.
No doubt it was a great game in its heyday.  Part of the addictive
appeal was being able to play over the net (via TEN at the time),
which was a first for me.  I had played Doom over the modem with
friends, but did not have get my introduction to a server-lobby type
of scenario until TEN came along.  That service also let me play
Warcraft I online, which was another groundbreaking game IMO.
I try not to do that for fear of ruining my memories. I remember
watching an episode of You Can't Do That On TV like about years ago
cos I thought it would be a nice trip down memory lane. Instead of I
wondered how I could have actually watched that shit as a kid. It
completely ruined it for me.
Rin Stowleigh
2010-06-14 16:00:32 UTC
On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:04:37 -0700 (PDT), Gray Death
Post by Gray Death
Post by Rin Stowleigh
Post by Jim
"With the legal drama out of the way, the road to the long-awaited release
of Duke Nukem Forever is apparently clear of legal hurdles--the game just
needs to be finished".
I recently loaded up DN3D for a trip down memory lane, first time in I
think 14 or 15 years.  It was kind of like a painful, cathartic
session with a hypnotist.  Man, how far we've come from having to drop
out to an editor to change our keybindings in a .CFG file! :)
Actually playing the game was underwhelming.  It was clearly optimized
for 14" monitors, so I needed to put it in a window for the graphics
to resemble anything the original creators intended.
No doubt it was a great game in its heyday.  Part of the addictive
appeal was being able to play over the net (via TEN at the time),
which was a first for me.  I had played Doom over the modem with
friends, but did not have get my introduction to a server-lobby type
of scenario until TEN came along.  That service also let me play
Warcraft I online, which was another groundbreaking game IMO.
I try not to do that for fear of ruining my memories. I remember
watching an episode of You Can't Do That On TV like about years ago
cos I thought it would be a nice trip down memory lane. Instead of I
wondered how I could have actually watched that shit as a kid. It
completely ruined it for me.
In general, retro gaming experiences have been a mixed bag for me,
similar to music, movie and TV experiences like you mentioned.
Sometimes I play a game from the past, and I am amazed by how well the
gameplay holds up, or some other aspect of it reminds me why it was so
appealing originally (and when that happens, its great). Then other
times I am appalled at what I used to find entertaining and just
thankful for progress :)
2010-06-17 00:37:53 UTC
Great, now all they have to do is turn the clock back to 1998 and they'll be
back in business.

Don't need the hype.

Keep it.
Post by Jim
"With the legal drama out of the way, the road to the long-awaited release
of Duke Nukem Forever is apparently clear of legal hurdles--the game just
needs to be finished".
Trimble Bracegirdle
2010-06-17 04:00:44 UTC
Hey such negative reactions to the Sainted Memory of what we can
imagine was a 'Greatest PC FPS Ever'
without any of those disappointing sequels to diminish what possibly once
..some people say..

ANY Ways ...theres no excuse 'cause we can get a very through upgraded,
rebuilt engine for the game...this one probably the best.
Now don't that beat Crysis ??
(")_(") mouse (Such Nonsense! past his bedtime!)
"" <gnomon>
2010-06-17 09:33:24 UTC
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 05:00:44 +0100, "Trimble Bracegirdle"
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Hey such negative reactions to the Sainted Memory of what we can
imagine was a 'Greatest PC FPS Ever'
without any of those disappointing sequels to diminish what possibly once
..some people say..
To my memory of playing these older games, Duke3d was the first game
to succeed in outdoing id in every area, from a far better engine to
the more subtle and better storyline that the better engine allowed.
I don't mean this to be dismissive of the incredible rush when I first
played doom shareware.
I don't think there'll ever be a moment in gaming that'll equal that
rush. There's no question that id dominated the FPS scene for some
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
ANY Ways ...theres no excuse 'cause we can get a very through upgraded,
rebuilt engine for the game...this one probably the best.
I can't think of any rational reason why a developer or producer would
foist the Duke Forever travesty on us (fans) in lieu of a sequel to
the original Duke. It doesn't make sense to me.

The missed opportunity can't be recaptured.

IMO Jack of Far Cry fame is a true successor of Duke, and Jack is
better in having an ingenious and wierdly optimistic wit. I also like
how the personality of Jack is given depth thru' his relationship with

I can't understand why Ubisoft gave Far Cry 2 it's name, because it
isn't a sequel to Far Cry. The game has no relationship whatsoever to
Far Cry. The only way I can figure it is that when human beings do
things, not everything makes sense, even when successful.

I would like to see a game come out which is to Far Cry what Far Cry
is to Duke, and what Duke is to Doom. That not being likely, I'd be
happy if there' were a sequel in the same spirit as Far Cry.
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Now don't that beat Crysis ??
(")_(") mouse (Such Nonsense! past his bedtime!)
Trimble Bracegirdle
2010-06-17 22:10:51 UTC
I almost entirely agree with all that.
The EDUKE32 project is a long running re build for (rather than of)
the original DUKE NUKEM 3D . You use the original main game files
this mod just does the presentation / screen display up to modern standards.
Its still the original game.

I think we have to consider CRYSIS as the truest (& only) successor to
FAR CRY (1st one).

Serious Sam 1 & 2nd have the Duke Character but not level design.
(")_(") mouse
"" <gnomon>
2010-06-18 02:01:06 UTC
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 23:10:51 +0100, "Trimble Bracegirdle"
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
I almost entirely agree with all that.
The EDUKE32 project is a long running re build for (rather than of)
the original DUKE NUKEM 3D . You use the original main game files
this mod just does the presentation / screen display up to modern standards.
Its still the original game.
I think we have to consider CRYSIS as the truest (& only) successor to
FAR CRY (1st one).
Crysis is more successful than FC2, IMO, but I quite enjoyed FC2.
Neither FC2 or Crysis carry forward the FC sense of humour. It's this
sense of humour that I link to Duke. The only kind of successor to FC
that I'd be fully satisfied with is one that equals or succeeds how FC
and Duke inject humour into the mix.
Post by Trimble Bracegirdle
Serious Sam 1 & 2nd have the Duke Character but not level design.
Sam 1 & 2 strip the Duke Character to the bone (and perhaps Duke is
better for it) then present the player with some pretty bizarre
circumstances. Totally successful. The way I figure it, Sam 1 & 2
define a distinct category of FPS enjoyment.
